Below is a list of all Fishinar and Fishy Hours REEF has offered to date. To view archived recordings and cheatsheets from these sessions, click on the name of the Fishinar or Fishy Hour, or click on the Archive button and search for the session of interest. You must be logged in as a REEF member to view the recording and download the Cheatsheet (only Fishinars have Cheatsheets).
REEF's Fishinars and Fishy Hours are free and open to all REEF members. This includes attending live and accessing archived recordings and study guides (aka "cheatsheets"). Join today if you aren't yet a REEF member! Fishinar archives are intended for individual viewing for REEF members only. If you'd like to show a Fishinar to your group contact us to make arrangements.
If you have questions about REEF's online and virtual programming, including Fishinars and Fishy Hours, contact Janna Nichols at
Upcoming Fishinars & Fishy Hours
Fishy Hours
Fish Jeopardy Games
- TWA Region Fish Jeopardy Game, presented on 8/2/2022 by Janna Nichols
- TWA Region Fish Jeopardy Game, presented on 5/18/2021 by Christy Semmens
- TWA Region Fish Jeopardy Game, presented on 4/3/2020 by David Ehlert
- TWA Region Fish Jeopardy Game v3, presented on 7/10/2020 by Christy and Brice Semmens
- TWA Region Fish Jeopardy Game Bonus Round!, presented on 8/28/2020 by Christy and Brice Semmens
- PNW and CAL Region Fish Jeopardy Game, presented on 4/10/2020 by Janna Nichols
- Tropical Pacific (HAW, CIP, SOP Regions) Fish Jeopardy Game, presented on 4/24/2020 by David Ehlert
- Global Edition Fish Jeopardy Game, presented on 5/29/2020 by Christy and Brice Semmens
- Grouper Moon Jeopardy Game, presented on 01/27/2021 by Christy and Brice Semmens
General and Other
- 2021 Oceanside Chat with Ned and Anna DeLoach, presented on 12/16/2021 by Ned and Anna DeLoach
- 2022 Oceanside Chat with Ned and Anna DeLoach, presented on 12/8/2022 by Ned and Anna DeLoach
- Drawing Fish for Beginners Pt. 1, presented on 2/3/2022 by Maggie Sutrov
- Drawing Fish for Beginners Pt. 2, presented on 6/30/2022 by Maggie Sutrov
- Intro to REEF - Quickstart Guide to doing surveys
- The Blennywatcher, presented on 7/31/2012 by Anna DeLoach
- Caribbean Invertebrates, presented on 5/5/2021 by Mickey Charteris
- Cleaning Stations, presented on 5/15/2013 by Ned DeLoach
- Cool Sharks - A Sharkabet! - presented on 3/17/2016 by Ray Troll
- Coralinar!, presented on 5/29/2014 by Marilyn Brandt
- Educator Workshop for REEF Programs, presented on 8/17/2023 by Hilary Penner and Madalyn Mussey
- A Few Mind-Blowing Fish That Every Ichthyo-Geek Should Know About, presented on 4/16/2014 by Ray Troll
- Masters of Camouflage, presented on 6/18/2024 by Jonathan Lavan
- The Life Cycle of a Fish - presented on 12/13/2018 by Ned DeLoach
- Mantas! - presented on 1/13/2016 by Josh Stewart
- Muck Diving Around the World - presented on 12/5/2023 by Frank Krasovec
- Oceans for All: Exploring Diverse Experiences in Marine Conservation - presented on 5/11/2022 by Leslie Nguyen
- Oceans for All: Exploring Diverse Experiences in Marine Conservation - presented on 5/9/2024 by host Hilary Penner and panelists
- Oil Platform Research, presented on 11/10/2014 by Milton Love
- Revillagigedo Expedition: Documenting Endemic Biodiversity - presented on 5/12/2023 by Carlos and Allison Estape
- Science on the Spectrum 2023, presented on 3/16/2023 by host Hilary Penner and panelists
- Sea the Changes, presented on 1/29/2019 by Ronnie Noonan
- SHARKINAR!, presented on 10/22/2014 by Dean Grubbs
- Speed Dating Fishy Style, presented on 5/9/2012 by Ned DeLoach
- Turtle-inar! presented on 6/18/2015 by Selina Heppell
- World Oceans Day 2017 - Amazing Creatures in the Ocean - presented on 6/8/2017 by Ellie Place
- World Oceans Day 2018 - Celebrating 25 Years of the Volunteer Fish Survey Project, presented on 6/7/2018 by Ellie Place
- You Do WHAT For a Living?, presented on 11/13/2013 by Marine Illustrator Val Kells
- You Do WHAT For a Living? The Next Chapter - presented on 4/26/2016 by Marine Illustrator Val Kells
- Do It Yourself Lionfish Jewelry - presented on 1/24/2017 by Emily Stokes
- Lionfish 101: Recording issues. 40 mins, then QA session, presented on 4/25/2012 by Lad Akins
- Lionfish Myth Busters! presented on 12/2/2014 by Liz Underwood
- 2016 Lionfish Update - presented on 4/6/2016 by Emily Stokes
- 2017 Lionfish Update - presented on 2/16/2017 by Stephanie Green
- 2020 Lionfish Update - presented on 06/16/2020 by Alli Candelmo
California (CAL)
- CAL Beginner Fish ID Part 1: Rockin' Rockfish of California, presented on 5/11/2011 by Janna Nichols
- CAL Beginner Fish ID Part 2: Wrasse 'n' Bass of California: Nobody rides for free, presented on 5/11/2011 by Keith Rootsaert
- CAL Beginner Fish ID Part 3: Scalawag Sculpins of California, presented on 5/24/2011 by Janna Nichols
- CAL Beginner Fish ID Part 4: Pesky Perch of California, presented on 5/24/2011 by Keith Rootsaert
- CAL Beginner Fish ID Part 5: Odds 'n' Ends and Fish Without Feathers, presented on 5/25/2011 by Keith Rootsaert
- California Dry Diving, presented on 7/22/2021 by Janna Nichols
- Invertebrates of California Part 1, presented on 2/6/2013 by Steve Lonhart
- Invertebrates of California Part 2, presented on 2/7/2013 by Steve Lonhart
- California Invertebrates 1 (Sponges, Cnidarians and Worms) - presented on 9/8/2015 by Jonathan Lavan
- California Invertebrates 2 (Mollusks) - presented on 9/10/2015 by Jonathan Lavan
- California Invertebrates 3 (Arthropods, Echinoderms) - presented on 9/14/2015 by Jonathan Lavan
- California Invertebrates 4 (Bryozoans, Tunicates, Algae) - presented on 9/16/2015 by Jonathan Lavan
- California Lookalikes, presented/ on 2/5/2014 by Janna Nichols and Keith Rootsaert/
- California Sluginar, presented on 8/15/2019 by Herb Gruenhagen
- Common Fishes of Catalina Part 1, presented on 5/18/2015 by Janna Nichols
- Common Fishes of Catalina Part 2, presented on 5/20/2015 by Janna Nichols
- Common Fishes of Laguna Beach Shore Dives, presented on 6/9/2015 by Jonathan Lavan
- Fishes of California's Channel Islands - presented on 10/20/2015 by Jonathan Lavan
- In a Cavern, In a Canyon: Critters of La Jolla California, presented on 3/26/2015 by Jonathan Lavan
- Rock on Rockfish! Common Rockfish and Scorpionfish of California, presented on 7/8/2015 by Jonathan Lavan
- Young of the Year Rockfish, presented on 8/15/2023 by Tom Laidig
Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean (EAM)
- Common Fishes of the Mediterranean, presented on 7/31/2024 by Stacey Henderson
- Eastern Atlantic & Mediterranean Invertebrates and Algae, presented on 3/18/2025 by Christy Semmens
Hawaii (HAW)
- Bodacious Butterflies of Hawaii, presented on 2/21/2013 by Heather George
- Butterflyfishes of Hawaii, presented on 4/21/2021 by Amy Lee
- Cool Hawaii Finds, presented on 2/18/2015 by Christy Semmens
- Eels of Hawaii, presented on 7/19/2021 by Dennis Bensen and Ron Wolfe
- Fish that Say Aloha: Hawaii's Top 15 Fish, presented on 3/21/2012 by Liz Foote and Donna Brown
- Fishes of Hawaii - Life in the Sand - presented on 11/14/2016 by Christy Semmens
- Hawaiian Goatfish and Puffers - presented on 9/6/2017 by Janna Nichols
- Hawaiian Parrotfish - presented on 11/15/2017 by Christy Semmens
- Hawaiian Surgeonfish - presented on 1/25/2018 by Janna Nichols
- Hawaiian Life on a Coral Head - presented on 5/4/2016 by Christy Semmens (Cheatsheet only)
- Life in the Hawaiian Surge Zone - presented on 9/14/2023 by Janna Nichols and Dennis Bensen
- Seeing Red: Hawaiian Lookalikes in Coral, Crevices, and Caves - presented on 6/15/2022 by Chuck and Kara Curry
- Snorkeling in Hawaii - presented on 2/5/2021 by Amy Lee
- Wrascally Wrasses of Hawaii, presented 5/13/2014 by Heather George and Donna Brown
South Pacific, Central Indo-Pacific, and Indian Ocean / Red Sea (SOP, CIP, IORS)
- Central Indo-Pacific Top 25, presented on 3/16/2020 by Christy Semmens
- Central Indo-Pacific Shrimpgobies, presented on 9/24/2024 by Amy Lee
- Common Fishes of the Red Sea, Pt. 1 presented on 9/7/2021 by Christy Semmens
- Common Fishes of the Red Sea, Pt. 2 presented on 6/1/2022 by Christy Semmens
- Common Fishes of the Red Sea, Pt. 3 presented on 5/10/2023 by Amy Lee
- Common Fishes of the Western Indian Ocean, presented on 3/25/2021 by Christy Semmens
- Dwarf and Pygmy Gobies of Fiji, presented on 5/21/2018 by Christy Semmens
- The Fishes of Fiji, Part One, presented on 4/6/2015 by Christy Semmens
- The Fishes of Fiji, Part Two, presented on 4/9/2015 by Christy Semmens
- Fishes of Micronesia - presented on 9/21/2016 by Christy Semmens
- Fishes in Costume - Tropical Pacific Mimics - presented on 10/30/2018 by Amy Lee
- Fishes in the Muck of Indonesia - presented on 8/29/2017 by Ned & Anna DeLoach
- Fishes of the Solomon Islands - presented on 3/20/2017 by Christy Semmens
- Fishes of Tubbataha Reef, Philippines - presented on 3/21/2016 by Christy Semmens
- Fishes of Dumaguete Muck, Philippines - presented on 3/23/2016 by Christy Semmens
- Indo-Pacific Surgeonfishes - presented on 11/19/2019 by Christy Semmens
- Interesting Fishes of the Maldives - presented on 12/5/2018 by Christy Semmens
- Interesting Fishes of Oman - presented on 4/2/2019 by Christy Semmens
- Look Twice--And Take Pictures, Tropical Pacific Lookalikes - presented on 1/24/2024 by Chuck Curry
- Palau Fishes to Look For - presented on 5/17/2022 by Amy Lee
- Even More Fishes of the Philippines - presented on 9/18/2018 by Amy Lee
- Red Sea Endemics - presented on 5/20/2020 by Christy Semmens
- Sand and Rubble of the Tropical Pacific - presented on 8/12/2020 by Amy Lee
- Unique Fish of Thailand, presented on 4/2/2018 by Christy Semmens
- Tropical Pacific Angelfishes - presented on 3/7/2017 by Amy Lee
- Tropical Pacific Butterflyfishes Part 1 - presented on 2/8/2017 by Amy Lee
- Tropical Pacific Butterflyfishes Part 2- presented on 2/21/2017 by Amy Lee
- Tropical Pacific Damselfishes Part 1, presented on 2/28/2022 by Christy Semmens
- Tropical Pacific Damselfishes Part 2, presented on 4/4/2022 by Christy Semmens
- Tropical Pacific Parrotfishes, presented on 3/20/2018 by Amy Lee
- Tropical Pacific Triggerfish and Filefish - presented on 2/20/2018 by Amy Lee
- Tropical Pacific Wrasses Part 1 - presented on 3/14/2018 by Amy Lee
- Tropical Pacific Wrasses Part 2 - presented on 5/1/2018 by Amy Lee
Northeast US and Canada (NE)
- East vs. West - Lookalike fish of the NE and PNW, presented on 6/19/2014 by Andy Lamb (PNW) and Andy Martinez (NE)
- Get a Backbone! New England Invertebrates, presented on 7/14/2015 by Janna Nichols
- New England's Finest - Fish ID, presented on 7/15/2015 by Janna Nichols
- Invertebrates of the Northeast, presented on 7/24/2018 by Andrew J. Martinez
- Northeast Fish You Should Know, presented on 6/13/2013 by Jonathan Lavan
- Northeast's Uncommon Fish - presented on 5/26/2016 by Janna Nichols and Jason Feick
- The Northeast's Dirty Dozen, presented on 1/11/2012 by Jonathan Lavan
- Things That Go Bump in the Night: New England Diving After Dark, presented on 1/7/2021 by Jason Feick and Amy Newfield
Pacific Northwest (PNW)
- PNW Beginner Fish ID Part 1: Rockfish Rock!, presented on 2/12/2012 by Janna Nichols
- PNW Beginner Fish ID Part 2: Scalawag Sculpins, presented on 4/15/2011 by Janna Nichols
- PNW Beginner Fish ID Part 3: Gunnels, Greenlings, Gobies and more, presented on 5/5/2011 by Janna Nichols
- PNW Beginner Fish ID Part 4: Weirdos: Ratfish, Flatfish and Perch, presented on 5/5/2011 by Janna Nichols
- PNW Advanced Fish ID Part 1, presented 2/21/2012 by Janna Nichols
- PNW Advanced Fish ID Part 2, presented 2/22/2012 by Janna Nichols
- PNW Advanced Fish ID Part 3, presented 2/23/2012 by Janna Nichols
- PNW Invertebrates/Algae ID Part 1, presented on 2/5/2019 by Janna Nichols and Ellie Place
- PNW Invertebrates/Algae ID Part 2, presented on 2/7/2019 by Janna Nichols and Ellie Place
- PNW Invertebrates/Algae ID Part 3, presented on 2/11/2019 by Janna Nichols and Ellie Place
- PNW Invertebrates/Algae ID Part 4, presented on 2/13/2019 by Janna Nichols and Ellie Place
- Barkley Sound Fishes - presented on 9/8/2016 by Janna Nichols
- Crabinar!, presented on 2/26/2014 by Greg Jensen
- Edmonds Underwater Park, presented on 10/11/2018 by Janna Nichols
- NE and PNW: East vs. West - Lookalike fish, presented on 6/19/2014 by Andy Lamb and Andy Martinez
- New Invertebrates and Algae Species Additions - presented on 1/19/2016 by Janna Nichols
- Pacific Northwest Lookalikes, presented 1/28/2015 by Janna Nichols
- Port Hardy's Greatest Hits (Fish and Invertebrate ID), presented on 8/27/2014 by Janna Nichols
- Salish Sea Diversity: Hood Canal vs. Puget Sound, presented on 1/24/2023 by Greg Jensen
- Sand and Silt in the Salish Sea, presented on 2/12/2020 by Janna Nichols
- Sculpins Under Scrutiny, presented on 7/19/2012 by Greg Jensen
- Strange Fishes of the Pacific Northwest, presented on 3/19/2024 by Greg Jensen
- Vancouver Island's Interesting Finds, presented on 6/22/2021 by Janna Nichols, Kat Fenner and Don Gordon
- YO, YO, YOYs! Pacific Northwest Young of the Year Rockfish ID, presented on 8/11/2015 by Janna Nichols
South Atlantic States (SAS)
(note, also view Northern Gulf of Mexico Fishinars found below in TWA region)
- South Atlantic States - Common Fish (Part 1) - presented on 4/19/2016 by Frank Krasovec & Janna Nichols
- South Atlantic States Top 25 Fish Round Out (Common Fish Part 2) - presented on 8/23/2018 by Frank Krasovec
- South Atlantic States - Common Invertebrates - presented on 4/21/2016 by Frank Krasovec & Janna Nichols
- South Atlantic States Top 25 Fish - presented on 2/25/2014 by Christy Pattengill-Semmens
Tropical Eastern Pacific (TEP)
- Common (But Harder to See) Fishes of Costa Rica, presented on 7/27/2020 by Christy Semmens
- Common Fishes of the Galapagos, presented on 2/20/2024 by Stacey Henderson
- Common Fishes of the Tropical Eastern Pacific, presented on 6/21/2018 by Amy Lee
- Galapagos: Fishes in the Land of Finches - presented on 5/3/2017 by Christy Semmens
- Gobies and Blennies of the Sea of Cortez - presented on 6/19/2019 by Amy Lee
- Grunts and Snappers in the Sea of Cortez - presented on 8/10/2017 by Christy Semmens
- Parrotfish and Wrasse in the Sea of Cortez - presented on 7/17/2017 by Christy Semmens
- Sea Basses in the Sea of Cortez - presented on 9/7/2022 by Amy Lee
- Que Pasa? Top 12 Fish in the Northern Sea of Cortez, presented on 4/18/2012 by Jonathan Lavan
Tropical Western Atlantic (TWA)
- Beginners Course TWA Fish Part 1 - presented on 4/30/2019 by Janna Nichols and Ellie Place
- Beginners Course TWA Fish Part 2 - presented on 5/2/2019 by Ellie Place and Amy Lee
- Beginners Course TWA Fish Part 3 - presented on 5/7/2019 by Amy Lee and Janna Nichols
- Beginners Course TWA Fish Part 4 - presented on 5/9/2019 by Ellie Place and Janna Nichols
- The Ones You Should Know: Top 25 Fish of the Caribbean - presented on 11/16/2015 by Jonathan Lavan
- Caribbean Hit Parade - Top 25, presented on 12/6/2012 by Jonathan Lavan
- Caribbean Cryptics - presented on 2/15/2012 by Jonathan Lavan
- Caribbean Cryptics 2 - presented on 10/17/2017 by Amy Lee
- Digging Deeper into Caribbean Fish Part 1, presented on 6/15/2014 by Christy Pattengill-Semmens
- Digging Deeper into Caribbean Fish Part 2, presented on 6/30/2014 by Christy Pattengill-Semmens
- Fish You Might Be Missing, presented on 2/8/2018 by Carlos and Allison Estape
- Lookalikes? Look Again!, presented on 1/17/2012 by Jonathan Lavan
- Lookalikes? Look Again! Part 2, presented on 9/18/2012 by Tracey Griffin
- Tropical Western Atlantic Lookalikes, presented on 2/4/2025 by Carmen Toanchina
- Online Resources to improve your TWA fish identification skills, presented on 3/22/2019 by Carlos and Allison Estape
- Snorkeling in the Tropical Western Atlantic presented on 8/3/2021 by David Ehlert and Stacey Henderson
- Angelfish and Butterflyfish - Kings and Queens of the Reef, presented on 4/1/2014 by Jonathan Lavan
- Bring on the Blennies!, presented on 2/21/2023 by Stacey Henderson
- That Face! That Face! That Wonderful Face! Blennies, presented on 11/4/2014 by Jonathan Lavan
- Chubs and Porgies - presented on 12/15/2016 by Carlos and Allison Estapé
- Those Darn Damsels - REBOOT!, presented on 9/1/2015 by Jonathan Lavan
- Damselfish ID and Behavior - presented on 11/1/2017 by Carlos and Allison Estapé
- Drums and Croakers - Feel the Beat, presented on 10/29/2013 by Jonathan Lavan
- Grouper Spawning, presented on 3/5/2019 by Dr. Lynn Waterhouse
- (The) Nightstalkers, Eels of the Caribbean - presented on 9/30/2015 by Jonathan Lavan
- Caribbean Cleaner and Sponge Gobies - presented on 4/26/2017 by Christy Semmens
- Holy Moly Gobies!, presented on 9/6/2012 by Jonathan Lavan
- More Holy Moly Gobies - presented on 4/13/2016 by Jonathan Lavan
- The Grunt Club, presented on 11/6/2012 by Jonathan Lavan
- Grunt Club: New Members - presented on 2/11/2016 by Jonathan Lavan
- Hamlets: To Be or Not To Be - (starts late on 2nd slide - sorry!), presented on 2/12/2013 by Jonathan Lavan
- Misbehavin' Hamlets, presented on 3/3/2015 by Carlos and Allison Estape
- Jack Attack! , presented on 4/14/2015 by Jonathan Lavan
- Perplexing Parrotfish, presented on 9/10/2013 by Tracey Griffin
- Puffers and Boxfish - A Hard Act to Swallow, presented on 4/11/2013 by Jonathan Lavan
- Puffers and Porcupinefish, presented on 7/21/2015 by Carlos and Allison Estape
- Seahorses and Pipefish, presented on 1/18/2019 by Carlos and Allison Estape
- Seeing Red? Count On It! Squirrelfish, Soldierfish and Cardinalfish, presented on 1/21/2014 by Jonathan Lavan
- Silvery Swimmers - presented on 6/14/2017 by Carlos & Allison Estapé
- Snap On, Snap Off, the Snappers! presented on 5/21/2015 by Jonathan Lavan
- Super Duper Groupers!, presented on 10/11/2012 by Jonathan Lavan
- Super Duper Groupers: Part Deux - presented on 6/22/2016 by Jonathan Lavan
- Triggers and Files - ID Tools of the Trade, presented on 3/21/2013 by Jonathan Lavan
- The Wrasse Class, presented on 6/21/2012 by Jonathan Lavan
- The Wrasse Class: Back in School - presented on 5/17/2016 by Jonathan Lavan
- Keep Pointing! Fish You Might Mistake for a Rock, presented on 9/26/2013 by Jonathan Lavan
- The Nursery: Seagrass and Mangroves of the Tropical Western Atlantic, presented on 10/18/2018 by Ellie Splain
- Playing in the Sandbox: Fish You'll See in the Sand, presented on 10/17/2014 by Jonathan Lavan
- Safety Stop Fish, presented on 7/11/2013 by Jonathan Lavan
- Swimming in the Deep End: Fish You'll See on the Deeper Part of Your Dives, presented on 1/20/2015 by Allison and Carlos Estape
- The Shallow End! Fish You Can Find in Ten Feet or Less, presented on 8/15/2018 by Ellie Place and Ellie Splain
- Not Exactly Bums: Fish that live under Florida's Blue Heron Bridge, presented on 2/29/2012 by Lureen Ferretti
- Blue Heron Bridge Revisited, presented on 4/16/2013 by Lureen Ferretti
- Blue Heron Bridge - Life in the Muck Part 1 - presented on 6/1/2016 by Carlos and Allison Estape
- Blue Heron Bridge - Life in the Muck Part 2 - presented on 6/7/2016 by Carlos and Allison Estape
- Adventures Under the Blue Heron Bridge - presented on 7/19/2022 by Stacey Henderson
- Bermuda Fishes - presented on 8/30/2016 by Ned and Anna DeLoach
- Bonaire Shore Diving, presented 7/28/2015 by Christy Semmens
- Bonaire's Top 25 (ScubaBoard special Fishinar), presented on 5/21/2013 by Jonathan Lavan
- Snorkeling in Bonaire - presented on 10/20/2022 by Stacey Henderson
- Unique Fish Finds in Brazil, presented on 7/12/2018 by Christy Semmens
- Lesser Seen Fishes of Grand Cayman, presented on 2/11/2015 by Jonathan Lavan
- Unique Fish of The Cayman Islands, presented on 9/4/2019 by Christy Semmens
- Colorful Fishes of Curacao, presented on 10/12/2023 by Madalyn Mussey
- Cozumel: The Next 13 Fish, presented on 11/9/2011 by Jonathan Lavan
- Cozumel's Top 15 Fish, presented on 11/2/2023 by Amy Lee
- Lesser Known / Overlooked Fish of Cozumel - presented on 1/6/2016 by Tracey Griffin
- Cuba Fishinar - presented on 12/5/2017 by Amy Lee and Lad Akins
- Cuba Fish to Look For - presented on 10/27/20 by Christy Semmens
- Dominica - presented on 1/31/2017 by Lad Akins
- Diving in the Florida Keys - presented on 5/10/2018 by Carlos and Allison Estapé
- Guanaja's Fishes, presented on 4/17/2020 by Janna Nichols
- Artificial Reefs and Rigs in the Northern Gulf of Mexico - presented on 4/24/2018 by Carol Cox
- Gulf of Mexico - Double Trouble Part 1 - presented on 2/23/2016 by Carol Cox
- Gulf of Mexico - Double Trouble Part 2 - presented on 2/25/2016 by Carol Cox
- Unique Fishes of the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary presented on 6/8/2023 by Christy Pattengill-Semmens
- Northern Gulf of Mexico's Dapper Dozen, presented on 2/1/2012 by Carol Cox
- Roatan Fishes - presented on 5/11/2017 by Scott and Patti Chandler
- Roatan Top 25, presented on 3/20/2014 by Jonathan Lavan
- Fun Fishes to Look For in Roatan presented on 6/19/2023 by David Ehlert
- Sea Saba Underwater - presented on 10/4/2016 by Amy Lee
- Walls and Piers of St. Croix - presented on 1/21/2020 by Amy Lee
- Weird St. Vincent Fish - presented on 1/21/2022 by Amy Lee
- Turks & Caicos - Lesser Seen Fishes - presented on 6/25/2015 by Jonathan Lavan
- Overlooked Fishes of Turks and Caicos - presented on 4/10/2017 by Amy Lee
- Virgin Gorda, BVI - Less Frequently Seen Fish - presented on 7/14/2016 by Janna Nichols
Having problems viewing an archived Fishinar or Fishy Hour? Helpful Hints:
- First try viewing the link from a different browser. Three popular ones are Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer and Google Chrome. If you are having problems using one, try another.
- Most folks find their problems are solved if they try using the VLC Media Player (free) instead:
- Mac users: NOTE that you may need to install a special viewer (Flip4Mac, Media Player HD, etc.) to play on some Macs.
- For viewing on iPads/iPhones, you will need to install an app specifically designed to view .wmv files (Try the VLC viewer app).